Suppose you have everything you need within you to become what you want to be. Then not much can be missing to get there! Maybe it’s all about being what you already are.
I don’t want to digress philosophically. I thought for the weekend I would recommend a tip that takes a little time to sink, process and transfer to yourself. The psycho tip of the day is a future question in a different way. In coaching I often use it, here a little shortened:
“Imagine how you want to be in the near future or what you want to achieve.”
In coaching sessions, this request alone often leads to many minutes of silence, because you allow this image to develop internally. Take your time for it. The more precise you are at this point, the better.
Then you put yourself in this created image.
This shaping and experiencing of the desired future increases the probability that it will happen. Why is this so? Humans can store feelings about an imagined situation, which means that they imagine associated. At the same time, I call for the desired state to be described from the outside as well. In other words, to see the goal from the dissociated state (see also tip from day 17). Now that you have created a precise description, at best an attractive picture, a story with a pulling effect from two perspectives, the prospect of fulfilment increases.
But the tip is not finished yet.
In the second step you use your imagination and ask yourself, “What have you done, what have others done, what has changed, …to come here?
Trust in your intuition and experience and write down which pictures, ideas, actions appear on the way.
I do this exercise again and again in relation to different areas of life. After three weeks of quarantine-like condition I use this method to get closer to my “best self”. What is inside me? Where will I be in August? What am I proud of at the end of this year? What do I look like then? What weight and fitness level will I be running around with then? etc.
Instead of getting carried away and being changed, I decide to actively take my development into my own hands this weekend.
Corona crisis as an opportunity? As worn out as it sounds, – Yes, I try to take it like that! And I really hope that you will succeed!
PS: The picture above the clouds is part of the way to my imagined destination in the near future