Doing sports against depression! Day 19

Today I hardly have the strength to write! Why? I follow my tips and today especially “Sport against bad mood and threatening depression”.

If anyone doesn’t know what “HIT” is, visit an online course there (I was a kind of in Berlin today ;-)). I recommend sports not only during these house arrest times. Sweating for once! Get your circulation going and (please be careful and according to your fitness level and other health conditions!) at least 20 minutes pulse in the lower 3-digit range. For me, 125-138 beats per minute are good for endurance training and a maximum of 10 minutes the pulse between 138 and 154. If you don’t have a pulse watch, you can tell by your breathing and whether you can still talk well at the same time. Exactly this is not possible for me from pulse <154 on. Now you know why I only collect scraps of words that I don’t want to write down here!

Seriously: Sport and sweating also helps the psyche! My ultimate tip today, because I get camp fever after two and a half weeks without normal going out and social contacts. We are more drastically affected by the curfew in Spain. This can be helpful for everyone in Germany or Britain: If we can make it here, you can make it there.

Second ultimate tip that I have to repeat: Write the “positive diary”!

Do not underestimate the effect of writing it down. This thinking process specifically about THAT, WHAT WAS GOOD WAS brings me back to persevering and continuing every day!

No matter whether you are working incredibly hard and “finally get things done” or whether you enjoy the peace and quiet and the forced break, prioritize YOUR moments for sports and writing every day!

From the bottom of my heart all the best for this and please send my regards to your inner bastard!

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